
Wernham West Centre for Learning

    • Teacher and student studying

Support for every learner

The Wernham West Centre for Learning is an innovative and unique learning-support resource for our boys.
Whatever a student's learning goals, the Centre for Learning offers targeted and customized support. Because every student learns differently, the Centre for Learning's mandate aligns with the International Baccalaureate’s goal to support a diversity of learning styles.

The Centre for Learning helps students understand how they learn and to be their own self-advocates in the learning continuum. It also provides support for faculty to help students develop their capacity and character as global citizens.

At the Preparatory School level, your son receives lessons in time management and study and organizational strategies. He learns to take tests without stress, and so builds his confidence around learning.

At the Upper School, the focus is on building a sense of independence in learning. Attention is dedicated to note-taking, deep reading and critical literacy skills, and exam preparation support. 

Four mandates guide the Centre for Learning’s work:
  1. Facilitate a greater understanding of the each student's unique learning style and help him develop strategies for success.
  2. Provide individualized learning support as needed.
  3. Provide professional development and support for UCC's faculty and be a resource to UCC parents and community.
  4. Connect with other schools and organizations; collaborate and develop research relationships and networks.

Identifying and supporting boys' learning challenges

The College has a tiered approach to recognizing when a student shows signs of a learning challenge.
A UCC faculty member refers the student to the Centre for Learning. One of the Centre's co-ordinators will then consult with the student, teacher, the student’s adviser and other support services staff members to understand the boy’s learning profile and areas of need.

After information gathering, the Centre for Learning co-ordinator may suggest additional classroom strategies to support the student as well as programs and services available through the Centre for Learning. The co-ordinator may also create a written support plan. 

The Centre for Learning monitors student progress through consultation with the teacher, adviser and parent(s)/guardian(s) and next steps, if any, are determined.

In some cases, the Centre for Learning may suggest that a student pursue an external assessment to further understand a learning profile.

Upon receiving an assessment, the Centre for Learning may create in consultation with the student as well as the teacher, advisor and parent a one-page report. The report outlines the boy’s areas of strengths; areas of need; testing accommodations; instructional, environmental and assessment strategies; goals; and subject specific strategies.

List of 9 items.

  • Liz Kennedy

    Director, Centre for Learning and Student Services
  • Michael Netto

    Administrative Assistant
  • Polly Baxter

    Prep School Coordinator, Centre for Learning
  • Melody Thompson

    SK–5 Learning Strategies Teacher, Centre for Learning
  • Karyn McCormack

    Year 6–7 Learning Strategies Teacher, Center for Learning
  • Asheka Khan

    Prep School Teaching Intern, Centre for Learning
  • Lincoln Smith

    Co-ordinator, Centre for Learning
  • Jennifer Ferguson

    Co-ordinator, Centre for Learning
  • Josh Willford

    Upper School Learning Strategies Teacher, Centre for Learning
    • Richard Wernham & Julia West

      The Wernham West Centre for Learning was made possible by a $6.9 million donation in 1996.

Snapshot of Support:

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • Preparatory School

    • Leveled Literacy Intervention Program
    • Jump Math
    • Homework Club
    • Peer Tutoring
    • Teacher Tutoring
  • Upper School

    • General Learning Strategies Courses
    • Executive Function Workshops
    • Exam Prep Sessions
    • Academic Coaching 
    • Peer Tutoring
    • Teacher Tutoring

Did you know?

The Wernham West Centre for Learning is also on the forefront of research in return-to-learn protocols after a young person suffers a concussion. Working in partnership with Holland Bloorview, Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital, UCC has developed a concussion resource guide and continues to undertake important research projects.
The word experience The UCC Difference