Upper Canada College is home to talented and committed faculty and staff. With a student to faculty ratio of 8:1, we ensure that each boy is well supported and receives lots of individual attention.
Featured profiles
List of 6 items.
Kathryn O'Brien
Year 4 teacher I’ve been in a classroom for most of my life, as a student and a teacher. The magical spirit that a group of curious and caring children creates helps fuel my own learning.
Alan Chan
Year 11 and 12 Economics teacher I have been teaching Year 11 and Year 12 Higher Level Economics at UCC since 2012. I love economics and am very passionate about the integration of mathematical models in microeconomics and international trade in particular.
Erica Charbonneau
Upper School design lab facilitator I assist teachers and manage the Upper Design Lab, helping students conceptualize their ideas into tangible objects using the laser cutter, 3D printers, and other tools available in the space. A passion of mine is the use of rapid prototyping and digital fabrication to creatively challenge barriers to access.
Mark Ferley
Year 2 teacher I have taught years 5 and 3 here at Upper Canada and am constantly amazed at the potential in our boys, the dedication of my peers, and support of our community. I am fortunate to be a part of this community and daily strive to give my best, as our history commands it, and the future of our boys deserves it.
Anna Gryszkiewicz
School nurse I have been a school nurse at UCC since the winter of 2014. I have been fortunate during my time here to have spent time in both the Upper and Prep Schools, having a chance to meet and work with all our boys.
David Holt
Upper School visual arts teacher Since coming to UCC in 2005 I have taught Year 8-12 visual arts and have been involved with the Horizons Art Program, Digital Arts Club, Art and Architecture Club, Fencing Club, and UCC's Truth and Reconciliation Council.