Richard Willoughby ’80

The John D. Stevenson Award is the Association Council's most prestigious distinction for exceptional volunteer service to Upper Canada College. This year's recipient is Richard Willoughby ’80. 
Richard Willoughby’s volunteer roles with UCC span decades. He and his wife, Margot Willougby, are strongly dedicated to the College, and they’re parents to Robert ’11 and Andrew ’15. Currently Richard is a member of the U.S. Foundation Board of Trustees in New York. Recently he retired as chair of the UCC Foundation Board of Trustees, a position he held for six years. He also served on the Board of Governors, as a Foundation trustee, and assisted with the rowing program, among other varied commitments to help make the school the very best it can be, now and in the future.

“One of the qualities that attracts me to UCC is the modelling of constant learning, and the desire to improve and set its sights as high as can be. But it’s also about preparing young people to be well in all they do — not just educating the mind, but developing the head, heart and the humanity of each student. It’s about inspiring students to lead and serve a connected community at UCC and beyond.”
The word experience The UCC Difference